Friday, February 1, 2008

"Teenie guy" battle

Randon has always preferrred the little "teenie" action figure guys. Maybe that has something to do with the fact that he is a little on the "teenie" side himself. Maybe he can relate to them a little better. Who knows?

He will usually throughout the day go and gather all of the little guys together and strategically position them around the room in what he defines as nothing short of a "battle". He will arrange guys hiding under blankets, peeking out from under the couch, perched up on the table and even suspended on the strings of the blinds. After the setup, he then he proceeds to carry out this full-length battle in its entirety; complete with loud gun, fighting and dying sound effects.

I find it very interesting that when he illistrates these battles out on paper, the guys are still "teenie". Maybe he truly believes that strength does not come in size but in numbers. I just love his pictures though and I wanted to be able to capture one. He could tell you all about it, down to the guys names I'm sure, if you would like.

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